![]() 05/01/2014 at 13:32 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I would like to give a certain someone a physical beating after the verbal beating he just gave my wife. My wife is a teller at a bank. You can imagine how wonderful some customers can be. In a loud rant heard by everyone (including the new customers the bank lost as a result) he insisted they fire my wife for being horrible at her job. 99 times out of 100 the customer is upset about having to deal with bank policy designed to protect their account. I was told the customer is going to receive a phone call later today asking him to never return to that branch.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 13:34 |
Justice is blind...
![]() 05/01/2014 at 13:35 |
Yeah. I hear where your coming from. But as someone who was denied their own cash money from the bank when they really needed it 2x it's also frustrating.
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I worked in retail all through college, and some of the people I had experiences with were unbelievable. An FYI to everyone out there, the kid making $10/hr or less at (Insert Retail Store Name Here) doesn't set corporate policies and is not trying to personally screw you over. Unless you really start acting like a dick, then they may purposefully be less helpful. Hell, I used to tell people about other stores where they could buy certain products cheaper. lol It's even worse when a significant portion of your customers are white trash, as was the case when i worked at BPS. That was still the best retail job I've ever had though. Sorry to hear about your wife's crappy day, pissed off customers are never fun.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 13:39 |
Denied because of a bank screw up or because you didn't have ID or something along those lines? Here's the deal. Federal government is now regulating banks so heavily that if we don't follow procedures 1) Employee gets fired. 2) Bank likely fails an audit 3) Branch manager gets in trouble. 4) Bank faces massive fines.
Don't get me wrong I worked in the bank's call center for a period of time and I genuinely felt bad for customers who I couldn't verify but I could tell it was them... still no matter how pissed you get I don't want to lose my job over it. This is why you aren't likely to ever find a bank employee willing to bend the rules, because bending them can mean immediate termination depending on the circumstances.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 13:39 |
I know that feel. not too long ago my wife was shopping with our two children and some random woman came up to her and accused her of abusing them ( because my 2 year old was upset that my wife wouldn't buy her a toy). this woman was imsistant and berated her to the point store managers escorted of her out of the store. they actually had to walk my wife to her car to keep her from this Wacko. tore her up for weeks, wanted to strangle some one
![]() 05/01/2014 at 13:40 |
Amazing how the insane opinions of a random dumbass impact your personal esteem.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 13:46 |
I've been in banking for over 10 years and I fucking hate the industry. Tell her chin up. It will get slightly better.
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We've both been in the industry for 7 and 8 years respectively and realize that is part of the deal, but a you need to be fired rant is a first primarily because we're both damn good at customer service.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 13:59 |
File a bunch SAR's and CTR's on the ass clown.
But seriously don't...
![]() 05/01/2014 at 14:00 |
Asking him not to come back to the branch is sufficient. In the call center I know of more than one occasion where 911 was called on a customer and the customer was arrested for threats.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 14:01 |
Higher ground. Good choice.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 14:10 |
Public facing CS jobs are awful. Back in 98 or so I worked in a call center for the very young DirecTV. At the time they were buying/merging with all the competitors (USSB, PrimeStar, Pegasus, etc.) and the geniuses somewhere up above decided not to up manning of the CS centers. Our customer base more than tripled with no additional support and all of the new customers were required to purchase new equipment and re-sign up with higher rates. At one point our average in queue time was 90 minutes. Needless to say, not a single person I talked to was in anyway ever happy. If I could make it through a shift with <5 death threats it was a good night. Gotta have a thick skin to be in that industry.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 14:15 |
The last time I was denied my money it was because I didn't have a piece of I.D. from a province I haven't lived in for 7 years. I had lots of ID from the province I live in, but I guess that didn't matter.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 14:19 |
I'd be even more livid if they let someone else take money from my account without having done a proper ID check. Rules and regulations are there for a reason.
It's sort of like wearing safety equipment while on the job. It's there to protect you, even if there are times that you don't like it.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 14:28 |
That does seem stupid. There's nothing at our bank that requires your ID match the address on our system. However, at that point we would expect you to update the address on the system and possibly verify the previous address. The other key being the ID has to not be expired. As long as that was all true I don't quite understand on what grounds they base a valid identification on. you have to drive 5 hours to have a place you haven't lived in for years issue an ID?
![]() 05/01/2014 at 14:43 |
My various forms of ID from the province I live in were valid. I wouldn't be able to get the id from the province I don't live in. You have to prove residency to get it.
The *really* stupid thing is that after I finally got my money in a stupid roundabout way, (I can tell you more about that if you like...) I asked them if they updated the system and they said no. WHY THE HELL NOT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Goodness me. In that case, not updating the system is just employee attitude of "do the bare minimum". I am sure you and your wife are not like this, but this guy was.
It was extremely frustrating. Sorry to go on a rant...I feel bad for your wife, and the guy shouldn't have yelled at her. I didn't yell at the teller. But I sure felt like it.
Fun fact: the part of Ontario where I live is 53 hours drive from the part of BC I moved from.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 14:59 |
Yeah it sounds like the bank has a FUBAR policy that doesn't make sense. And yes the obvious necessary item is to update contact info. Not doing so is just stupid.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 15:15 |
Good that he's getting banned from there.
Some people just need to know who to get angry at. Your wife isn't that person. If that guy needs to release his anger, do it over the phone. To somebody who can help. Not just have an outburst on an innocent worker.